Wednesday, February 27, 2008

At last

In conclusion of this 2.0 program, I strongly have two suggestions. If our library system ever chooses to participate in another program of this intensity my first suggestion is to plan a better time frame. An example would be January to March perhaps.The holiday season is stressful enough without adding something else on our plates. My second suggestion would hopefully to have more detailed instructions for the non computer experts. There are some of us whose computer skills have yet to be technologically perfected.

I must say with the help of two very helpful co-workers I completed this program.
It was a challenge and hopefully I will expand my technological skills in the future.
This 2.0 program was an expectation from us and not necessarily a choice.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing 29

My favorite exercises were spell with flickr and you tube. I also liked playing with the chinese name generator. I need to discover exercises that are visual. I must say this has encouraged me to expolore places I never would have before. This program has affected me by learning new goals. I really enjoyed viewing other co workers blogs. There are many creative library workers ! Thing 28 could have been fun but it wasn't working at the time of my exercise. I will search and use at a later date. Two discoveries that I shared were spell with flickr and chinese name generator.

Monday, February 25, 2008

thng 27

I tried to finish this exercise by cataloging my first five books and kept getting a message-be back in 5 minutes. I wanted to create and finish today. This seems interesting to me but I suppose I will try another day. I tried at least two to three times. This will happen sometime in the future.


Rollyo can be used frequently to help save time. I can imagine using this source to save time for listing several sites or subjects. It can be helpful to list and not have to constantly look up each individual site. Using bookmarks to create as a timesaver.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

image generator

This is my name in Chinese. I enjoyed finding the chinese name generator. I have always been interested in names and this is a fun choice. The brain teaser was fun also. The chinese name generator and the tibetan name generator will be memorable.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

podcasting library

The choice I chose to listen to was very interesting. Arizona State University podcast the true story of one of Arizona's legends. It was known as the trunk murderess-Winnie Ruth Judd. The podcast worked because it seemed to be almost like a reference interview about their photo exhibit and true facts on this intriguing lady and her two room mates. She transported the two dead bodies on a train to California.
It created a stink so to speak! This particular podcast was of interest because of the history and factual event.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This exercise was not successful. I tried all three choices and could not get into the sites. Every time I tried it asked for websense passwords. I tried several times with no luck. Needless to say I just wanted to move on.